
Historic Places & Districts

Two people cross a street lined with historical buildings

If you want to see how Colorado has developed over the years, look no further than its architecture. The entrepreneurial spirit of its residents, combined with a quick and diverse rise in population, has created an eclectic mix of buildings with overlapping architectural time periods.


The majority of the state’s structures were built beginning in the mid-1800s. However, there are architectural styles that are outside this time period. Newcomers to the state had an opportunity to build homes, in addition to commercial and civic buildings in styles that reflected their communities. This has led to very eclectic styles that can be seen all across the state.

Some of the best places to see this is in Colorado’s historic districts, many of which can be found in mountain and ski towns that were originally founded for mining purposes. Today, these historic districts are lined with coffee shops, restaurants, boutiques, art galleries and more. Many have mine tours that help you explore our Gold Rush roots.
